Potential Concerns To Evaluate When Considering Adoption

Those who are thinking of adoption have a few common concerns. Here are some of those concerns, and what you should do about them: 

Parental Reclamation

One of the constant dangers of open adoption is the issue of reclamation, which is the idea that the birth parent will one day come back for their child. Imagine living with your adopted child, not knowing if or when their natural mother will want to reclaim the child one day. It can be very frustrating.

Fortunately, you should only fear such an eventuality if you didn't go through the proper legal channels when adopting the child. This is because if you have done everything as it should be done, then the birth parents' chances of reclaiming the baby are virtually nonexistent. This is one more reason to use an adoption agency or use a family lawyer when adopting a child; you get maximum legal protection that way.

Future Changes to the Agreement

When you opt for an open adoption, you give the birth parents the legal right to visit and interact with the child even after the adoption papers are signed. The level of interaction or frequency of visits is usually specified in the adoption contract, and is legally binding. However, there may be cases where the birth parent wants more frequent visitation rights and you don't want to give in to their demands. This may happen if the parent has started regretting their decision to give up their child or there is a change in adoption laws allowing more vitiation from the birth parents.

The good news is that visitation schedules are rarely increased even for birth parents that go to court. Therefore, you shouldn't be too scared of such a possibility. Even if the birth parent ends up getting their way, you shouldn't be too concerned because a court is only likely to grant the request if it deems it in the best interest of the child.

Different State Laws

Since adoption laws are set at the state level, there may be complications when you adopt an out of state child. Complications may arise when you adopt a child from a state with more relaxed adoption laws than your state. For example, the child's state may give visitation rights to the child's extended family, even though you were only open to interactions from the child's actual parents. The only way to avoid this complication is to research state laws before adopting a child out of state.
