Could Unnecessary Dental Procedures And Sedation Putting Your Child At Risk Of Injury Or Death?

Could your child be put at risk by unnecessary dental procedures and the use of anesthesia in the hands of someone who is more interested in profits than patient care? This is what you should know in order to protect your child. What is causing alarm among pediatric dentists and parents alike? Do you feel safe entrusting your child's safety and very life to someone whose only experience with oral sedatives and dental sedation is a weekend course? Read More 

How Foreseeability Impacts Your Negligence Case

There are many aspects to a negligence case that can impact whether you win or lose, one of which is whether your injuries were a foreseeable consequence of the situation. Here's more information about this facet of your personal injury case to help you better prepare your case. Foreseeability Defined The law defines foreseeable risk as something a reasonable person could predict would happen based on available information about the situation. Read More