By now, it's hit pretty much every news feed and newspaper out there: former NFL player Aaron Hernandez, already sentenced to life in prison for the murder of one man, was just acquitted of the murder of two Boston men and witness intimidation of a third. Hernandez reportedly wept at the verdict, although that doesn't change his current incarceration. Many people may wonder why an acquittal in the Boston trial makes such a difference to Hernandez -- and why prosecutors went to the trouble and expense in the first place of holding a trial when the defendant is already serving life.
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Going through a personal injury lawsuit is often difficult enough, especially if the defendant refuses to make a reasonable settlement and insists on taking the case all the way through a trial. Once you've won your lawsuit, collecting the judgment should be easier—except some defendants seem willing to do just about anything to avoid paying.
If you're having trouble collecting a personal injury judgment, you aren't alone. Here's what you should know about the types of tricks some defendants will use and what can be done to stop them.
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If you run a small business, you still have to follow the environmental laws set out by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as well as your state. Being small doesn't exclude you from these rules. Here are three areas of environmental law that may impact your small business.
#1 Air Pollution
One area of the environment that is very well regulated is air pollution. Air pollution regulations do not just apply to factories with large smoke stacks; they could apply to your small business as well.
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If you have been involved in a car accident, proving that you were not at fault for the situation can prove difficult if the other party involved is denying their fault in the matter. At this point, you should definitely hire a car accident attorney, especially for these four specific reasons:
Look for Mistakes on the Police Report: If there are any mistakes on the police report, it can be dismissed in court, which is good if the police report does not do anything to back your claim that you were not at fault.
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Could your child be put at risk by unnecessary dental procedures and the use of anesthesia in the hands of someone who is more interested in profits than patient care? This is what you should know in order to protect your child.
What is causing alarm among pediatric dentists and parents alike?
Do you feel safe entrusting your child's safety and very life to someone whose only experience with oral sedatives and dental sedation is a weekend course?
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